
This composable uses @medusajs/js-sdk under the hood and gives you access to the Medusa client.

Check the official documentation of Medusa JS Client to learn more about all the available options here

Fetching Products

Here is an example of a fetch using the list method:

<script lang="ts" setup>  const client = useMedusaClient();  const { products } = await;</script>

Fetching Collections

Here is an example of a fetch using the list method:

<script lang="ts" setup>  const client = useMedusaClient();  const { collections } = await;</script>


Authenticating users with authenticate method:

<script lang="ts" setup>  const client = useMedusaClient();  await client.auth.login('customer', 'emailpass', { email: 'test@test.test', password: 'test1234' });</script>

This will create a new cookie called connect.sid that will have a httpOnly flag set to true (which means that it is not accessible from the frontend JS code).

You can now fetch data about the currently logged in user as shown below:

<script lang="ts" setup>  const client = useMedusaClient();  const { customer } = await</script>

Initializing a cart

You must initialize a cart the first time a user visits your storefront. Once the cart is created in the Medusa backend, you can save the cart_id either in localStorage or in a cookie, so that you can be able to retrieve the cart's information by using the cart_id.

To save the cart_id in localStorage you can use the following code:

<script lang="ts" setup>  const client = useMedusaClient();    const initCart = async () => {    const cartId = localStorage.getItem('cart_id') || null        if (!cartId) {      const { cart } = await{ region_id: 'reg_123' });      localStorage.setItem('cart_id',            // save the NEW cart to the store or the state    } else {      const { cart } = await            // save the EXISTING cart to the store or the state    }  }    initCart();</script>

To save the cart_id in a cookie you can leverage the useCookie composable provided by Nuxt as shown below:

<script lang="ts" setup>  const client = useMedusaClient();  const cartId = useCookie('cart_id', { maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 });    if (!cartId.value) {    const { cart } = await{ region_id: 'reg_123' });    cartId.value =    // save the NEW cart to the store or the state  } else {    const { cart } = await;    // save the EXISTING cart to the store or the state  }</script>

In both cases, you first check if the cart_id is already saved in localStorage or cookie. If it is not saved, you create a new cart and save its id in localStorage or cookie. If it is saved, you retrieve the cart from the Medusa backend and save it to the store or the state.